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BIO-GROOM 貓用美白洗毛水 Purrfect White 8oz (BG21118)

價格: $100$118


BIO-GROOM 貓用美白洗毛水 Purrfect White 8oz (BG21118)

Purrfect WhiteTM 是無刺激性貓用洗毛水,特別適合白色及淺色毛鬈貓咪使用。其特有的增白劑及珠光增亮劑可令毛變雪白亮澤。用後更可令毛鬢清潔及柔順易打理,防止毛鬢打結及蓬鬆。其加強蛋白質的溫和椰子油配方,有效防止皮膚乾燥並為皮膚帶來活力。

A coconut oil base formula enriched with protein, Purrfect WhiteTM is a . nonirritating, high quality shampoo specifically developed for white and light colored coats. Special whiteners and pearlescent brighteners add brilliance and sparkle to the coat and Teave the coat clean, smooth and easy to manage. T he protein in this mild coconut oil base formula gives life and body to the coat and helps prevent dryness. Rich and foamy, it has a neutral pH, non-bleaching and controls matting, tangling and fly- away hair. Rinses out quickly, leaving the coat with a fresh, clean smell.
Safe to Use with Topical Flea and Tick Treatments.

DogChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊
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