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首頁 > 貓犬用 > 貓犬用清潔美容用品 > 口腔護理 > Eye Envy 咀部去漬水 8oz (貓犬用) (EN25) (TBS)
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Eye Envy 咀部去漬水 8oz (貓犬用) (EN25) (TBS)

價格: $400$471
規格: 8oz


Eye Envy 咀部去漬水 8oz (貓犬用) (EN25) (TBS)

Eye Envy 咀部去漬水(除口水漬/除臭)
不少犬貓的咀部四週是啡紅色(較常見於貴婦、比熊或史納紗)甚至嗅嗅的! 動物口腔存有細菌,披毛長期沉積著口水及污漬,除了影響美觀外,亦會滋生細菌,絕不衛生健康!Eye Envy 咀部去漬水(除口水漬/除臭) – 天然不含漂染或酒精成份,以金縷梅花及純水提煉而成!每天使用可漸漸清除咀部附近啡色污漬(或因人造色素食物殘留的顏色),同時更能去除因口水氧化後衍生的嗅味!從此與啡色嗅嗅咀巴說再見!


<使用方法> 1) 先搖均 2) 直接噴於咀部四週 3) 由它自然風乾 (可重複及多次使用)
1) 讓寵物進食低/無穀物及非人造色素食物 2) 不使用含漂染成份的清潔劑或洗毛水3) 使用不鏽鋼或陶瓷器皿來代替塑膠盛器 4) 保持披毛及食物盛器乾爽、乾淨衛生


Eye Envy Off The Beard Stain Remover will help eliminate beard stains and odor caused by saliva oxidation, artificial food/treat
coloration, or yeast/bacterial infection. Off The Beard contains all natural ingredients for a clean, smell-free and kissable beard.
•Removes unsightly beard stains •Eliminates odors •Contains no bleach, peroxide, whitening agents or harsh
chemicals •Antiseptic herbal extracts •Alcohol and sulfate free
Made with all natural ingredients: Water, Collodial Silver, Boric Acid, and Witch Hazel. Instructions: Shake bottle well, spray
beard area generously and allow product to dry naturally. Repeat daily until stains are gone, then maintain weekly or as needed.

DogChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊
PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop