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Froom Dry Dog Food Hasen Duckenpfeffer Grain-Free Recipe with Rabbit, Duck, Peas, Potatoes & an Assortment of Fruits and Vegetables 12lb

Fromm福摩 狗糧 無穀物鴨兔肉配方 12lb


價格: $504$593
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加
規格: 26lb 12lb 4lb



Fromm福摩 狗糧 無穀物鴨兔肉配方 12lb

Fromm福摩 無穀物狗糧 鴨兔肉配方 Hasen Duckenpfeffer 12lb

Fromm Hasen Duckenpfeffer 無穀物配方,選用兔肉、鴨肉、馬鈴薯、胡蘿蔔及芹菜等配料調劑而成。

  1. 兔肉比一般肉類的蛋白質含量高,而其脂肪、熱量和膽固醇比例相對於其他肉類低,還包含有多種礦物質,如鐵、磷 、鉀、鋅和維他命 B 和 C等。
  2. 其脂肪多為不飽和脂肪酸,除可増強健體之餘也有利於控制體重。
  3. 另嚴選多種新鮮蔬菜及水果,令營養更均衡。
  4. 配方融合多種益生菌,針對改善消化系統,減低狗狗腸胃敏感不適,增強免疫能力。
  5. 並添加亞麻籽及新鮮提煉的三文魚油,令配方含有奧米加3及奧米加6脂肪酸,有助寵物保持皮膚健康,滋潤披毛,亦有效提升 免疫系統,預防疾病。

Fromm Hasen Duckenpfeffer Grain-free formula, made from rabbit, duck, potato, carrot and celery ingredients.

  1. Rabbits are more protein rich than normal meats and their fat, calories and cholesterol are lower than other meats and contain a variety of minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and vitamins B and C.
  2. The fat and more unsaturated fatty acids, in addition to enhance the health while also help to control weight.
  3. Another strict selection of a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, make nutrition more balanced.
  4. The formula combines a variety of probiotics, aimed at improving the digestive system, reducing the dog gastrointestinal discomfort, enhance immunity.
  5. With flaxseed and freshly salted salmon oil, the formula contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids to help keep your pet healthy and moisturized. This also effectively enhances the immune system and prevents disease.

Ingredients 成分


Rabbit, Duck, Pork Meat Meal, Peas, Potatoes, Lentils, Chickpeas, Pea Flour, Dried Tomato Pomace, Dried Whole Egg, Pork Fat, Rabbit Meal, Pork Liver, Pea Protein, Salmon Oil, Cheese, Flaxseed, Alfalfa Meal, Carrots, Celery, Lettuce, Watercress, Spinach, Potassium Chloride, Salt, Chicory Root Extract, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Sodium Selenite, Folic Acid, Taurine, Parsley, Sorbic Acid (Preservative), Vitamins, Minerals, Probiotics.



Crude Protein粗蛋白質 (min) 28.0%
Crude Fat粗脂肪 (min) 17.0%
Crude Fiber粗纖維 (max) 6.0%
Moisture水份 (max) 10.0%
Omega-6   (min) 2.7%
Omega-3   (min) 0.6% 

熱量:3,856 kcal/kg    1,753 kcal/lb    393 kcal/cup


Directions for Use 使用方法

Weight of Dog Weight of Dog Cups of Food per Day* Grams of Food per Day
5 - 20 lbs 2.3 - 9.1 kg 1/2 to 1 1/3 51 to 134
20 - 40 lbs 9.1 - 18.2 kg 1 1/3 to 2 1/8 134 to 215
40 - 60 lbs 18.2 - 27.2 kg 2 1/8 to 3 215 to 303
60 - 80 lbs 27.2 - 36.3 kg 3 to 3 5/8 303 to 366
80 - 100 lbs 36.3 - 45.4 kg 3 5/8 to 4 1/3 366 to 437

* Standard 8 fluid-ounce measuring cup 

Fromm 福摩 - 的貓糧狗糧是出自一間位於美國威斯康星州的家庭寵物食品公司。Fromm 福摩優質的貓糧狗糧品質的控制及產品的安全管制獲得當地寵物飼主的廣泛認同。 除了確保所有貓糧狗糧的選料優質,Fromm 福摩的肉食處理及防蟲等生產貓糧狗糧的過程嚴格也都遵守衛生設施規定及守則。Fromm 福摩致力提供高品質貓糧狗糧產品,以極高的水準確保你的寵物安全健康。

DogChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊
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