新品上架 日本直送 Pet Promise毛孩承諾 寵物尿墊 寵物店-貓狗凍乾生肉糧 寵物店-貓狗急凍生肉糧
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首頁 > 貓貓 > 貓咪日常用品 > 貓砂盆用消臭用品 > Unicharm 日本芳香消臭珠 清甜花果香 450ml (ucd6)
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Unicharm 日本芳香消臭珠 清甜花果香 450ml (ucd6)

價格: $29$34


1) 1 times of usage is about half of the (about 45 mℓ) is a guideline. Results depends on the type of sand, toilet size, the room size , breeding population of cats, season, odour area etc. Sustainability is different, adjust the amount of beads your choice for better result,
2)one capacity 450 mℓ, about 10 times (about 1 to 1.5 months) standard depends on the kind of sand, size of toilet, room size, breeding population of the cat, seasons, may differ.

3) Most cat can adapt without problems when excreting. First try from a small amount of the beads if you are concerned. However as precaution,if the smell does not fit the cat and customers, please discontinue use.
4) If used on paper litter, can be burnable garbage. *If disposable method requires Environment Authority approval please follow the rules of the residential areas.
5) Product does not dissolve in water, please do not throw the toilet.

DogChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊
PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop