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Frontline Plus for Cats & Kittens (FPCAT)

FRONTLINE Plus for Cats & Kittens 貓用殺蝨滴 (FPCAT) (新包裝)

價格: $250$294
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加




FRONTLINE Plus for Cats & Kittens 貓用殺蝨滴 (FPCAT) (新包裝)


Frontline Plus 是每月用於預防狗狗和貓貓跳蚤和壁虱的殺蟲滴。
Frontline Plus 在 12 小時內 100% 殺滅寵物身上的成蚤並在 48 小時內 100% 殺滅所有壁虱和羽虱。Frontline Plus 內含殺滅蚤卵和幼蚤的殺蟲劑 S-烯蟲酯。請照顧好您的寵物。保護它們免受跳蚤和壁虱的騷擾,使它們保持健康快樂。從獸醫對付跳蚤和壁虱的第 1 選擇 - FRONTLINE 開始。FRONTLINE 被證實是一種行之有效、易於使用的療法。可靠的保護。FRONTLINE Plus 在使用後 12 個小時內 100% 殺滅跳蚤。

持久:在整個月持續殺滅跳蚤和壁虱。經驗證可用於 8 週齡及以上年齡的幼貓和小狗以及處於繁殖、懷孕或哺乳期的貓貓和狗狗。

FRONTLINE Plus 打破跳蚤和壁虱的生命週期,為您和您的寵物提供持久的保護,12 小時內殺滅寵物身上所有的跳蚤。每次使用都能提供一整個月的保護,還可輔助控制疥癬蟲感染。因為它具有防水的功效,對喜歡游泳的寵物來說是非常不錯的選擇。殺滅壁虱和羽虱

如何為貓塗抹 FRONTLINE Plus?

1.移除包裝盒,使用剪刀沿著虛線剪開FRONTLINE Plus,然後剝開箔紙以取出FRONTLINE Plus 貓配方。
2.撥開貓咪肩胛骨之間的部分貓毛。將FRONTLINE Plus 貓配方尖端放在皮膚上方並擠壓。將FRONTLINE Plus 貓配方的全部內容物直接塗抹在貓的皮膚上的一個點上。請勿塗抹在頭髮上。
3.在FRONTLINE Plus 貓配方乾燥之前,避免貓咪接觸治療區域。

FRONTLINE® Plus for Cats kills adult fleas and ticks, prevents new infestations by killing flea eggs and larvae to break the flea lifecycle, and lasts for a full 30 days.

• Offers continuous protection for an entire month
• Is waterproof even as your cat grooms
• Breaks the flea and tick life cycle

Help protect your kitty from pests with Frontline Plus Flea & Tick Treatment for Cats & Kittens. This flea and tick treatment is specially formulated to kill adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, chewing lice and ticks, including ticks that may transmit Lyme disease. It’s made with two active ingredients—fipronil and (S)-methoprene—to help disrupt the flea life cycle and prevent future infestations. Each fast-acting topical application offers 30 days of waterproof protection. FRONTLINE Plus for Cats is purr-fect for cats and kittens eight weeks or older weighing over 1.5 pounds.
Active Ingredients : Fipronil 9.8% , (S)-methoprene 11.8%.

About Frontline
Recommended by vets and loved by dogs, Frontline gets rid of pesky fleas so pet owners can focus on the fun stuff.

Part of the Merial portfolio of products, billions of doses have been administered since the 1970s. With a focus on developing the best products with maximum safety, effectiveness, and ease of use, it's no wonder it's one of their best-selling products.

Frontline Plus - Kills Fleas and Ticks Effectively, Protect your Pets to Max

Frontline Plus features a combination of powerful, yet safe, ingredients that works to end fleas in multiple ways. Not only does it kill adult fleas and ticks, but it breaks the flea life cycle by killing the eggs and larvae and preventing another generation. Plus, it works for 30 straight days and offers waterproof effectiveness so dogs and their owners can go about their normal routine. In fact, studies show that it starts killing adult fleas within 12 hours of application, which means relief is always very near with Frontline Plus.


How to Apply FRONTLINE Plus for Cats:

1.TO REMOVE Applicator, use scissors to separate one blister. Cut along dotted line, then peel foil to remove applicator.

2.HOLD Applicator Upright with foil side toward you and snap applicator tip.

3.PART Cat’s Hair between shoulder blades. Place applicator tip just above the skin and squeeze. Apply entire contents of applicator in a single spot directly onto cat’s skin. Do not apply on top of hair coat.

4.Avoid contact with treated area until dry. 

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