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首頁 > 貓貓 > 貓零食 寵物零食 > Astkatta > Astkatta Pure Saba Snackats (14g x 4)
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Astkatta 貓零食 營養肉泥 護膚美毛系列 野生青花魚 14gx4 (P00105)

Astkatta Pure Saba Snackats (14g x 4)

價格: $20$24


Skin and Coat System Formula

Saba provided rich DHA & EPA for Cats. 
Tuna Oil contains rick EPA, DHA & Omega 3 provides support for dry flaky skin in allergy pets reduce their itching.
Seaweed improving skin tone and pigmentation, helping to balance oil production & supporting collagen production. 

DogChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊
PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop