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BIO-GROOM 狗狗絲柔護毛液 Silk Conditioning Creme Rinse 1gal

價格: $380$447
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加


BIO-GROOM 狗狗絲柔護毛液 Silk Conditioning Creme Rinse 1gal



It is fortified with Chamomile, nature’s own stimulating hair and skin conditioner, leaves hair looking and feeling its best. Silk provides beautiful body, fullness, resiliency, texture to the coat. It moisturizes overworked hair, removes tangles, and rinses out clean, making hair easy to manage. Silk is designed for all coat colors. It is anti-static, pH balanced, biodegradable, and fresh smelling.


使用方法 Usage:

先以洗毛水洗淨後,取適量本品至寵物身上,稍加搓揉後停留約一 分鐘,再以溫水沖洗,請先將1(護毛液):4(溫水)的比例稀釋使用。


*This concentrated product can be diluted with 4x of warm water before use.