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首頁 > 狗狗 > 狗狗清潔美容用品 > 皮膚毛髮護理 > BIO-GROOM 狗狗除蚤及去蝨洗毛水 Flea & Tick 1gal (BG10128)
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BIO-GROOM 狗狗除蚤及去蝨洗毛水 Flea & Tick 1gal (BG10128)

價格: $680$800


BIO-GROOM 狗狗除蚤及去蝨洗毛水 Flea & Tick 1gal (BG10128)

以天然除蟲菊精為主要配方的洗毛水,添加椰子油,蛋白質及羊脂油等,可有效殺死跳蚤,蝨子或牛 蜱,在去除害蟲的同時更可令毛皮柔順及避免乾澀等功效。


Nature’s own insecticide, Pyrethrins, has been added to a protein-lanolin shampoo base, providing maximum effectiveness in killing fleas, lice and ticks. As it cleans gently without stripping essential oils from skin and gives the coat a healthy sheen and fresh smelling. This formula is biodegradable, pH balanced and safe for puppies and kittens.


使用方法 Usage:


DogChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊
PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop