貓咪天性喜歡狩獵,而這款翻滾球正是為滿足貓咪的好奇心而設計。只要放入您愛貓喜歡的零食或飼料, 再輕輕一推,翻滾球就會沿路搖擺,吸引貓咪的注意。貓咪會追逐翻滾球,一旦翻滾球被抓住,貓咪就可以從球裏得到它的零食獎勵。
在追逐時, 貓咪可以得到鍛煉,從而防治肥胖症。成貓或幼貓咪都適合使用。
Cats are hunters by nature. Stimulate your cat''s curiosity with this unique treat dispenser. Filled with your cat''s favorite treats the dispenser creates an unpredictable roll that engages the cat to chase it.
Once the toy is caught, the cat is rewarded with a treat. The physical stimulation involved in the chase makes the dispenser suitable in supporting controlled diets and treatment of feline obesity. The toy is also suitable for puppies.